From the moment of our creation,
God the Father has filled us with His unconditional Love.
Our Heavenly Father sacrificed His only Son
so that you could spend eternity with Him.
There is peace in the arms of God the Father,
whose love knows no limits.
Beloved Children of the Father
Welcome, Beloved Children!
As Beloved Children of the Father, we are a part of God’s love story. He has shared His life with us and desires for us to experience His never-ending love. Perhaps being a Beloved Child is a new concept or view for many of us. Yet, God the Father desires for us to know that we are indeed deeply loved.
This year’s theme, inspired by the deep and personal love of our Father, reminds us that no matter our age—we are sons of Hope and daughters of Faith. We are beloved by Him, and asked simply to Be with Him.
May we come together this year to recognize ourselves as individuals who are truly beloved children of an infinitely loving God!
“We love because He first loved us.” – 1 John 4:19
Our Journey In Prayer As the Beloved by Fr. Redcay
These monthly themes are meant to guide your personal reflection and quiet time with God, our Father, deepening your understanding and embracing the love He has for you.
A New Tradition of Praise & Worship at St. Patrick Parish
7–8:30 p.m. | Second Friday of Each Month
End your week with a featured speaker or musician, silent reflection, reconciliation, adoration, and joyful worship! Each evening of Light & Love will celebrate the glory of God’s endless Love for His Beloved Children.
Nothing is more practical than finding God, than falling in Love in a quite absolute, final way…
Fall in Love, stay in Love, and it will decide everything.”
– Fr. Pedro Arrupe, S.J.
Embrace the Father’s Never-Ending Love!
As our parish community embarks on a prayerful journey to realize our Belovedness, we invite you to utilize these resources and learn more about what it means to be a Beloved Child of the Father.
Save the Date
Upcoming Parish Events
We look forward to a year-long journey of prayer, reflection, and praise as one, beloved parish family. Browse our 2018 events to discover how you can celebrate your role as a Beloved Child of the Father.
Light & Love (Second Fridays)
Jan. 12, Feb 9, Mar 9, Apr 13, May 11, June 8
St. Patrick Parish Book Discussion
January 18, 25 & February 1
2018 Opening Mass
January 27 & 28
Ash Wednesday
February 14
Stations of the Cross
February 16 – 23
Infinitely Loved Guided Reflection & Adoration
February 22 – March 22
Pilgrimage to St. Charles Borromeo Seminary
February 25
Holy Week Services & Easter Celebration
March 25 – April 1
Penance Service
March 26
Tenebrae Service of Darkness
March 27
Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible
April 12 – May 31
2018 Marian Procession
May 20