Cultivate one parish, one family in Christ.
Evangelization is an integral part of all we do as a church community. It touches every aspect of parish life.
The Evangelization Committee promotes and sponsors programs throughout the year that are designed to reach out to all those who have been away from their faith, those who would like to know more about our faith and those who seek a deeper involvement in our parish community. We meet monthly and continually strive to live as “One Parish, One Family.”
We work on social, religious and education programs in order to provide everyone within our own parish community and the community at large an opportunity to hear and share in the good news.
Groups that have developed from the Evangelization Committee include: Moms R.O.C.K. (Raising Our Catholic Kids), Community of Friends and Newly Married Couples. Efforts coordinated by the Committee include Phillies and Eagles Tailgate parties, Ministry Fair, Library Dedication, St. Patrick Connect – Weekly Digest emails and much more.
Evangelization is not a program but is an integral part of all we do as church. It touches every aspect of parish life, and it is the energizing core of all ministries. We meet monthly and continually strive to live as “One Parish, One Family.”
Follow our weekly bulletins for upcoming events and meeting dates and times.
To join, please contact Ann D’Antonio at 610-644-7475.