Engage in special service and outreach during our holy seasons.

We are called to serve at all times, but especially during the holiday seasons of Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. It is during these holy seasons that we often take a closer look at the gifts we have been given—and, in particular, how we can use those gifts in the service of others.

At St. Patrick Parish, our seasonal outreach programs continue to grow and thrive with each passing year. We encourage every parishioner to participate—sharing holiday cheer with those who are less fortunate in our surrounding community.

Christmas Program: The Giving Tree

Partake in one of our favorite seasonal outreach opportunities, the Giving Tree, and join other parishioners in brightening Christmas for others.

Easter Program: Annual Easter Project

Provide hams, pies and Easter baskets to Mother Teresa’s—and help us to surpass our annual record once again!

Thanksgiving Program: Thanksgiving Drive

Express your family’s thanks and share Thanksgiving cheer with others by providing Thanksgiving food essentials to local families in need.
