Traveling Crucifix
The Traveling Crucifix returns to St. Patrick this Lent!
Create a place of honor for the Crucifix in your home where you can gather each day and pray using the Traveling Crucifix Prayer Kit. A prayer booklet with readings and reflections will be provided. There is an alternate version of the booklet for families with young children. A journal is also included to write your prayer intentions each day. Our hope is to provide parishioners and families with a specific focal point for prayer during the Lenten Season and to promote a daily commitment to praying. When your time with the crucifix is complete you are asked to pass it on to the next family.
To prepare to receive the crucifix we encourage you to consider ahead of time where you will place it in your home. We suggest a location that allows quiet space for prayer but is also a place that will be visible though the course of your day.
You can select your dates to host the traveling crucifix with button below.
If you use the attached form please do NOT sign up using the in-person form in the church.