Update from Father Redcay
These are difficult days for all of us, especially because we cannot be together in the celebration of our faith. However, I am confident that we are united in prayer and we are strengthened by Him who empowers us. During these challenging days it is our prayers for one another and our shared faith that will strengthen us. Do not underestimate the power of our faith and God’s grace in our lives.
Today, along with assuring you of the power of our faith and the updates about our parish, I share with you news from Archbishop Pérez. Balancing the great riches of our communal celebrations and the prudent care of all of you, he has announced that all public Masses in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia have been suspended indefinitely, effective Wednesday, March 18 at 12:00 noon. We will celebrate Mass tomorrow (Wednesday, March 18th) at 6:30AM and 9:00AM, but these will be the last public Masses until we receive further notice from the Archbishop.
While this is news we had hoped not to hear, it is what we face as we continue to navigate the current circumstances caused by COVID-19. So what do we do? We trust that God will, in His graciousness, provide for all of us; that He will give us strength and empower us. So don’t lose hope, He will see us through.
Although we aren’t able to gather in our church, we are always connected as a family of faith. Please know that Fr. Arul and I pray for all of you daily and look forward to when we can, together, celebrate our faith.
Please be well and let us pray for one another!
God Bless You,
Father Redcay
News from Archbishop Pérez
As public officials evaluate the best course of action to inhibit the spread of the epidemic it is apparent that any public gatherings increase the probability of transmission. With this in mind, Archbishop Pérez has announced the difficult decision to suspended the public celebration of all Masses beginning Wednesday, March 18, at 12:00 noon. This means there will be no public celebrations of the Eucharist at St. Patrick Church until further notice. In the meantime, Fr. Arul, Fr. Cavara and Fr. Redcay will be celebrating Masses privately and all Mass Intentions will be fulfilled.
In his announcement, Archbishop Perez said his top priority “is to ensure the health and welfare of those entrusted to the pastoral and temporal care of our Church. So, in light of the developing coronavirus pandemic, a decision has been made to suspend the public celebration of all Masses in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia for the time being.
“All of us need to do our part to slow the spread of this illness. Like you, we are monitoring coronavirus developments and look forward to continuing our lives on a more normal basis.While things may look and feel different during these uncertain times, I want to be very clear that the Catholic Church in Philadelphia is not closing down. It is not disappearing and it will not abandon you. Time and again as our history has proven, the Church has risen to meet great challenges and provide a beacon of hope and light.”
As your shepherd, I promise that the Church remains steadfast and is prepared to walk with you and serve you. Neither the Church nor its charitable works will stop. God is always by our side. He never abandons us. I invite you to join me in prayerful solidarity for the intentions of the sick, suffering, and their caregivers as well as government and health officials.
The celebration of Funeral Masses will take place, however, the current recommendation of limited participants cannot be ignored. Should this need arise for your family, as is always the norm, please contact the parish staff (via voicemail or email right now) and we will be available to help with the planning of the Mass.
Eucharistic Adoration, Personal Prayer
For now, the church will continue to be opened for private prayer each day from 10:00AM until 3:00PM. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will take place Monday through Friday. Daily Adoration will continue for as long as we can ensure the safety and sacredness of the Sacrament, while also supporting the health of our parishioners.
Please note: Adoration will not be possible when we have funerals. We will send out notifications about funerals interrupting the Adoration schedule, through Flocknote.
As mentioned in previous notices, the Sacrament of Baptism has been postponed until further notice.