EventsParish Calendar
Mens’ Advent Prayer
Sunday, December 18th – 12:45pm – 1:45pm
Men, join us for a unique hands on prayer experience aimed at helping you prepare for Christmas. This event will include an opportunity to assemble a manger and reflect on Joseph’s experience of welcoming Jesus into the world.
Jesus’ earthly father, Joseph was a carpenter by trade. We often hear reflections about his dedication to Mary and Jesus in spite of the apparent scandal of her pregnancy. But through faith in God he persisted in his vocation to marry Mary and walk with her as Jesus’ earthly parents.
Jesus’ birth did not play out under ideal circumstances. The first-time parents were on the road and unable to find a place to stay. The Son of God spent his first days on earth lying in a manger. Such conditions must have been trying for these new parents as they welcomed their baby into less than ideal conditions.
To register fill out the form below.
At this time we are limited to the first 20 registrants. We are gathering the materials and tools needed for the project and the cap on participants is limited by capacity to prepare enough kits. If you have basic carpentry skills and are willing to help us prepare more kits we can open up the event to more people. Check the box on the registration form if you want to help in this way.