Free Throw Contest
Free Throw Championship
Saturday, February 3, 2024
St Patrick Gym 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Sponsored by: St Patrick Knights of Columbus Council 13490
The Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship is open to all boys and girls in the parish, ages 9 to 14. Age eligibility is determined by the age of the contestant as of January 1. Each participant shoots 15 free throws. Each age group has a boys and girls winner. Winners can move on to the regionals (??? at Gwynedd Mercy College) and state finals. Good Luck Everyone! There is no cost to compete. Donuts and drinks will be served for parents and participants.
Registration the day of the event. For more information contact Kevin Gaffney 610-731-9564
Cost is $10/person, and we expect the event to sell out, so register early.