Invite Mercy to make its home in your heart through the Spiritual Works of Mercy.
The Spiritual Works are acts of compassion and mercy through which we care for the emotional and spiritual wellbeing of our neighbors and loved ones, while satisfying the needs of our own soul.
The Spiritual Works of Mercy aim to relieve the spiritual suffering of others, and to do so unconditionally. May we each find spiritual fulfillment through the Spiritual Works, and invite Christ’s Mercy to make its home in our hearts.
Admonish the Sinner
To admonish the sinner is to call someone to conversion. We must practice humility and compassion, and carry out this work by first recognizing our own weaknesses. May our active faith encourage others to turn to God’s mercy and seek His forgiveness.
Counsel the Doubtful
When we experience doubt and confusion, may we remember to turn to our Merciful Father for spiritual direction and guidance, and to encourage others to do the same. Let us also open our hearts and seek to become instruments of His Mercy, bringing peace of mind to friends and family members in need.
Comfort the Sorrowful
As others suffer around us, may we find compassion in our hearts, becoming Christ to others. May we reflect Christ’s mercy in the world, being present to those around us in times of difficulty or sorrow.
Bear Wrongs Patiently
May we remember God’s call to be merciful, and recall Jesus’s words, “Do unto others what you would have them do to you.” May we bear the wrongs of others with patience, be slow to anger and rich in kindness.
Forgive All Injuries
May we look to Christ’s Mercy as our ultimate example in responding to His call to forgive. In calling us to forgive, Christ is offering us the gift to be free from resentment and hatred. Let us embrace this freedom and become a reflection of Christ’s forgiveness to all who have done us wrong.
Pray for the Living and the Dead
We are called to pray in a special way for our deceased loved ones, and for all of humanity – both the living and the dead. Through our fervent prayers, may we humbly ask God for His Mercy on behalf of all the world.