Embarking on the Second Half of the Parish Appeal
Thanks to the contributions of our generous parish family, we completed the first half of the Special Appeal in October 2019. Having made renovations to the Channing Avenue property, we enabled our active parish staff to better serve the needs of the parish, and our pastoral staff to minister in private offices where our parish family can be counseled, guided, and consoled. We also built a play area fit for our parish children. Check out our blog post for a closer look!
With two critical phases ahead, we are ready to move forward and need your support to reach our goal of $6 million. In Phase III of the Parish Appeal, we will build the Early Childhood Education Center, where we can maintain a healthy enrollment across each class from PK# through 8th grade, while maintaining our current small class sizes. Lastly, in Phase IV, we will build a Spirituality Center to foster the fire of our faith and support growing ministries and formation programs.
As we near the $4 million milestone and prepare to move forward with plans to begin construction of the Early Childhood Education Center, we ask for your help in getting us over the finish line. If you are ready to make your contribution to the Special Appeal, please contact Father Redcay today.