Answering Your Important Questions
St. Patrick Parish is available to answer all of your important questions relating to the Special Appeal. Find answers to commonly asked questions below, and contact us to receive answers to all other inquiries.
Why do we need a Special Appeal?
“Growing Together as a Family of Faith” is necessary in order to ensure that St. Patrick Parish is able to accommodate the growing faith that we have witnessed in recent years. This faith—which encourages more people to receive the sacraments, join parish ministries, and enroll their children in St. Patrick School and PREP—is truly remarkable, and we must do all we can to feed it with adequate facilities for growth.
When can I begin to contribute?
As we begin stage III, the expansion of the school, your contributions are needed more than ever. We will work with parishioners to map out their gift over the course of two years. If you are ready to commit to a donation, please speak to Father Redcay. We are able to accept cash, checks, credit cards, or donated securities. We are also able to accept online donations.
The parish is financially stable. Is now the right time for a Special Appeal?
Thanks to the generosity of our parishioners, St. Patrick Parish is completely debt-free, which makes now the perfect time for the “Growing Together as a Family of Faith” Special Appeal. Due to our parish’s strong financial status, you can be sure that every penny of your donation stays here in the Parish.
I can only donate a small amount—will my contribution matter?
Yes, every donation is important and St. Patrick’s is deeply grateful for any and all donations we receive.